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The Shepton Beauchamp Charity

Is a collection of charities for the benefit of residents of Shepton Beauchamp; some of the charities are several hundred years old. Any resident can apply for one of two main grants.

1. Are you a student going on to higher education or perhaps you are doing an apprenticeship? If so you could be entitled to a grant from Shepton Beauchamp Charity. If you have lived in the village for 3 years or more and have not received the grant before, please apply in writing by the 31st September 2016 to: The Clerk, Greystones, Middle Street, Shepton Beauchamp TA19 0LB

2. The Over 70's Christmas Box is a small payment, paid in early December, to help with the cost of Christmas and is payable to residents who are 70 years old or over and have lived in the village for 3 years or more. If you are not yet receiving the Christmas Box, please call Richard on 01460 240604 to have your name added to the list (before 25th October please).

events/the_shepton_beauchamp_charity.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by