March 2009
Notes on Shepton Beauchamp Neighbourhood Watch meeting on 16th March 2009
5 people attended the meeting, including our new PCSO Charlie Rogers.
After the last meeting enquiries were made to the Highways dept of Somerset County Council concerning the slippage of the bank in Upper Silver Street. In spite of the released mud being the prime cause of flooding in the village in mid December, the council were not interested, saying the responsibility was that of the landowner. We have recently contacted Mr Hallett, and expressed our concerns. He has promptly responded with a letter stating he will contact the SSDC Tree Planting Project Officer to discuss actions, and also contact a local nursery to get recommendations about selecting plants. We look forward to a successful out come of this initiative.
Some time ago we decided to have a demonstration about shed safety, and advice on marking possessions so the can be more easily traced should they go missing. Our PCSO Charlie Rogers will be in attendance at the Village Hall on Saturday 18th April from 10 am to 12md, with the shed, advice and information.
We need people to volunteer to attend during the morning to give Charlie any help she needs, and to represent NHW. Please let me know when you will be able to attend. We will also need some publicity, so if you are good with a paintbrush, please let us know.
There have been reports of local young people drinking in the field opposite Branstons, but never when the Police attend. This is not illegal, providing they are old enough to purchase alcohol, but can we a nuisance.
There have also been reports of increasing use of mini motorbikes on local paths and fields. This can be a safety hazard, as most youngsters have no insurance cover, and accidents causing injury will receive no compensation. Landowner permission is also necessary, and this includes use of the playing fields.
Young people may not drive on the road without a license, and if warned once by Police a further incident can lead to their bike being crushed.
There has also been an increase in the quantity of dog mess on local paths. We are all required to pick up after our dogs, and if not doing so, this can lead to a fine of up to £1,000. There are plenty of bins for dog waste around the village, and the problem makes walking unpleasant, and can be a health hazard. If people persist, the dog warden can write a warning letter, or instigate proceedings if evidence is available.
Next meeting Monday 18th May at *pm in Buttle Close
Shed/Property Marking Sat 18th April, 10am to 12noon
Mary H Clarke, 17/03/09