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Meeting Notes November 2009

Notes on meeting of Shepton Beauchamp Neighbourhood Watch, Mon 16th November 2009

We had a low turnout for our meeting, but several apologies. We were pleased to welcome Pam Morrow who has joined us to represent members in the Washcross Lane/Silversprings area.

The neighbourhood Policing Team requested our participation in a week of events to promote Neighbourhood Watch. With little notice, there was not time (or much enthusiasm) for organising Bingo, or other events. As they wished to promote the Nominated Neighbour scheme, we have been in touch with the Seniors group, and will pass on relevant information. The Nominated Neighbour is a scheme to allow people to divert callers to an agreed person who can deal with queries on behalf of a resident who does not want, or cannot answer the door.

The other focus of the week was engaging with young people. As there are now a number of new young drivers of scooters in the area, we thought some road safety advice (including what to do if you are involved in, or witness an accident) might be useful. In addition some basic first aid could be useful. As most of these young drivers no longer attend the youth club, perhaps a more general event would be possible. Our PCSO Charlie Rogers was not encouraging— but we will see if any promotional activities can be arranged— perhaps involving other villages.

We have had further reports of unruly behaviour by young people walking through the village in the small hours. This has involved plants in tubs being uprooted and thrown around, and generally inconsiderate behaviour. These have been reported to the police, but we wondered why the PCSO cannot have a word with known offenders. We also wondered why the PCSOs do not work night shifts on occasions. Is it true they never work after 11pm?

There have been reports of vandalism to parked cars. This is a problem that worries many, as off street parking is a problem in the centre of the village. Do the Police have any suggestions to ease this widespread problem? Meeting dates for 2010 (to be confirmed by South Somerset Homes)
All meeting in common Room in Buttle Close, from 8pm

Monday, January 18th
Monday, March 15th
Monday, May 17th
Monday, July 19th,
Monday, September 20th,
Monday, November 15th

Thanks to all who participate in Neighbourhood Watch. We know that it helps to keep our community safe, and need people to keep vigilant.
Mary H Clarke, 24th November 2009

neighbourwatch/2009nov.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by