Meeting Notes January 2010
There was a good turn out with 11 members present. We welcomed Colin who has recently moved into Buttle Close, and we hope he will be happy in our community. Unfortunately Charlie Rogers, our PCSO was unable to attend. We hope she is fit and well, and will be visible in the area again soon.
Mike has kindly offered to represent the group at the newly formed Steering Group of local Neighbourhood Watch groups, which is meeting in Somerton on 20th January. The group discussed what we would like to see from the Police, and how we thought we might be able to assist them.
- We felt that what most people wanted was to see a regular Police presence in the area.
- Responses to phone calls from the public need to be better (if a call is made, a follow up response call ,to relate the outcome, would encourage people to contact the Police again).
- A set of leaflet s FK COFv3 03/2006 (Ways to contact your local police) would allow us to inform every house in the village how to make contact.
- PCSO attending our bi-monthly meeting would allow us to be updated on current risks, problems etc.
- We hope that we act as “the eyes and ears of the community” and can play a role in crime prevention, and passing on information.
Mike attended the steering group NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH STEERING GROUP MEETING meeting, chaired by Sergeant Alan Bell, Neighbourhood Policing sergeant for South Somerset Rural North. He was able to pass on our thoughts. He said that Dave Elson is retiring this year, and the use of the Ringmaster messaging system is to be modified. A new system of local information is to be installed and will be looked after by a new PCSO at Somerton, Tess Smith. She can be contacted on 0845 456 7000, mobile 07825 756276. We look forward to hearing from her.
John Rippon said he was moving to South Petherton in the near future. We wish him well, and thank him for all his work on our behalf over the past few years. We will need to look at the number and location of contact members at the next meeting, as some who have left have not yet been replaced.
Next meeting Monday 15th March, 8pm in Buttle Close
Mary H Clarke, co-ordinator, 25/01/2010