Meeting Notes 19th July 2010
Notes on Shepton Beauchamp Neighbourhood Watch meeting held on 19th July 2010. 13 members attended the meeting. This included 2 PCSO, Charlie Rogers, and Melanie Austin. We were pleased to welcome Mr and Mrs Iver from Over Stratton, who attended to find out how we organised our group.
Since our last meeting there have been difficulties with a resident in Buttle Close who felt that using the Common Room for NHW meetings, and having access to the security code for entering the building, compromised the security of residents. We naturally do not want to upset to the Buttle Close residents, and have now negotiated a new protocol with Yarlington. This seemed to work in a satisfactory way at this meeting, so we hope there will be no further difficulties. We very much appreciate the use of the building, and are pleased that residents are therefore able to attend our meetings. There will be a new manager in post by the 8th August, so we hope to make contact asap, to ensure smooth running of the next meeting.
The Police have provided us with a copy of a new DVD with case studies of typical distraction burglaries, and also problems caused by rogue traders. This was shown to the members of St Michael’s Guild last week. We hope to be able to view it at our next meeting, and also hope that the Seniors in the village will be able to view it in the autumn.
There have been concerns in the last few days about cold calling. A legitimate caller on behalf of the Red Cross seemed to be persistent to some of those visited, but on checking he was found to be legitimate. A firm phoning with offers to check home security as they were in the area, were not supported by the Police as they claimed. We need to take care to check caller’s ID, and ring any contact number to check before allowing access to our homes. If in doubt call the Police for confirmation. Number to call for non emergency matters is 0845 456 7000.
Martock have a scheme where no cold calling is welcomed, and it may be possible to set up such a system here if people think this would be a good idea. Please let us know what you think.
We were contemplating applying for a grant to investigate Hospital transport in this village, but we were expected to have a constitution, and this seemed too much work for uncertain gains, so I have sent relevant info to Chard, Ilminster and Crewkerne Pensioners Forum.
Melanie Austin gave us a bit more information about the Community Speed watch expansion, which aims to reach small hamlets in rural areas, and keep then in touch with information from the Police. This seems more useful than we at first thought. Mike will go to the next meeting and see how the scheme is developing. Charlie reported that there have been moped riders in the recreation field, which is not permitted. This can only be dealt with if registration numbers are known. There is no prohibition on riding in farmers fields, with owner’s permission, though without, there can be problems of trespass.
There has been evidence of drug taking by the pavilion, and this is not acceptable. The PCSOs are keeping an eye on the situation.
There have been damage to the tyres of contractor’s equipment at Cowleaze Meadow, and also more reports of tyre damage on the roadside in the village. If these incidents are not reported, the Police may not know about it, and are unable to act.
Western Power is proposing to turn off street lights after midnight in the village to reduce our carbon footprint, and save money. The parish Council is interested in resident’s views. As well lit roads do not seem to be a deterrent to burglary; safety seems to be the main issue. Most people feel we could all use a torch as necessary. People are welcome to respond at the next meeting, and we will pass information on to the Parish council.
Next meeting is on Monday 20th September at 8pm in Buttle Close. Mary H Clarke, 23rd July 2010.