Table of Contents
December 2007
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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council which took place on Monday 17th December 2007.
PRESENT Cllrs Humphreys (Chair), Hallett, Hawkins, Rowswell, Wakely, Walshe. Messrs K.Ronaldson (District Councillor), J. Sharpe (County Councillor)
APOLOGIES Cllrs Cripps, England.
Public Participation
Ian Hawkins spoke of the costs of maintaining the Churchyard and asked if the Parish Council would be prepared to help fund it.
MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and signed.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Hawkins, as Church Warden, declared an interest in the discussion on making a donation to the PCC and left the room for this item.
District Council Report
Cllr Humphreys thanked Mr Ronaldson for his contribution towards the Recreation Field projects and for his help with obtaining 5,000 Spring Bulbs to be planted at the three main entrances to the village by the District Council’s Street Scene Staff.
Mr Ronaldson said that the District Council Arborist will be giving advice on the leylandii trees at the recreation Field. He also reported on a presentation given at the District Executive Meeting by the South Petherton Hospital Trust.
County Council Report
Mr Sharpe said that the County Council is working on the highways issue of large vehicles on inappropriate roads.
The Area Working Panel agreed to contribute towards the Water Meadow Project. As Shepton Beauchamp is not included in the salting route in the winter maintenance programme, Cllr Hallett asked the Clerk to request supplies of salt for the crossroads with Barrington main and the hill from Lambrook.
The County Councillor offered £500 from his budget to be spent in the parish and it was agreed to request this towards projects at the Recreation Field.
Parish Plan
Cllr Humphreys reported that the existing Recreation Committee was dissolved on 5th December and a new committee set up in its place, with Blue Walshe as Chairman and Pete Sanderson as Vice Chairman and the Parish Council representative is Edward Wakely. Jackie Priddle is Secretary and Cynthia Pether continues as Treasurer. Ian Moses has offered to install new showers at the Pavilion.
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Paul Rowlands is looking into building a new football pitch. Val Stayner has taken on the 100 Club. Edward Wakely is enquiring about hedge laying grants. The clearance of Cowleaze Meadow has started.
The Christmas Market was well attended, despite the weather, Funds raised from the Parish Plan events have been used for the development of the Plan and it was suggested the year’s accounts are presented at the Annual Parish Meeting.
The Communications Group runs the parish website. The newsletter is in abeyance.
The lengthman had expressed concern about a dog fouling problem on the grass verge near St. Michael’s Peace and the Clerk will inform the Dog Warden.
Mr Ronaldson will speak to Kim Sharpe about the need to resurface the roads.
Cllr Humphreys said that BBC Sound would be coming to the village on 10th January to carry out interviews following the success of the Head Teacher’s appeal for IT equipment. Mr and Mrs Walshe were congratulated on winning £750 for a community project, which they gave towards school computers.
It was reported that the headstone for Rev Lethbridge, who left the Recreation Field to the village, may be in need of attention. Cllrs. Humphreys and Hawkins will check this and it was agreed that the Parish Council would pay for any necessary repairs.
It was proposed by Cllr Walshe, seconded by Cllr Hallett, and unanimously agreed to donate an extra £500 to the PCC (making a total of £725). A pledge was also made by the Parish Council, via the Parish Plan to assist them with annual fund raising.
It was decided that the 2008/09 Precept would be £7865 (and increase of £715 on last years figure). Again £500 will be set aside for future maintenance of the Multi use Games Area (making £2000 held for this purpose). The Parish Council is also holding £1009.84 for the Waterfield Project (District Council £350, County Councillor £500, Gardening Society £159.84)
Cheques drawn for :
Shepton Beauchamp Village Hall - hire of room | £88.00 |
S.B. Recreation Committee | £1586.10 |
S.B. PCC – grant | £225.00 |
(District Councillor’s grant of £2500 plus Parish council grant of £420 minus repair bill for play area of £1333.90 )
There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.