October 2010 Update
Our new term is well underway now and what a busy September we have had. Our new children have all settled into their new routine and enjoy spending time with their new friends. We have had an exciting visit from the donkeys from the Donkey Sanctuary at Sidmouth. The reception class from Shepton School joined us and the chidren were able to touch and groom the donkeys and all sat on to have their photo taken!
As the Sanctuary do not charge to visit, the pre-school and school parents contributed to the event by making donations and we have been able to adopt a donkey at the sanctuary between us. We look forward to receiving news from Sidmouth about our adoption!
We continue to have our weekly visit from Fr. Geoff Wade armed with a story book, which the children always enjoy and the older children have had their first visit to the mobile library bus. Fund raising has already started with our Bags2School collection and if anyone has any unwanted items of clothing, shoes, bags, bedding or curtains please drop them off at the village hall by 6th October. We will be running a holiday club during the October half term break on Monday,Tuesday and Wendesday from 9am - 3pm. Children from Pre-school age up to the age of 8 will be welcome and this club will be run by the Pre-school staff. Contact us for more details. Advance Notice our popular Crafty Christmas morning will be happening again this year on 27th November, watch out for posters.
Please note our new TODDLER GROUP time and day, now Thursday morning at 9.15am and we are now open for All Day Sessions on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday every week.