Shepton Beauchamp School 1977
Each person in the photo has been given an ID. To see these numbers Click outside the photo then move the cursor in over the picture. Names where known are shown in the grid below. Please use the contact box below to tell us if you know a missing name or where we have possibly the wrong or miss spelt name.
1 | 2 | David Coultas | 3 | Patrick Hawkins | 4 | Bruce Callow | 5 | Trevor Pitman | |
6 | Georgina Chapman | 7 | Sally-Anne Curtis ?? | 8 | Fiona Best | 9 | Michelle Light | 10 | Amanda Welch |
11 | Ian Lawrence | 12 | Andrew Lawrence | 13 | Jesse Budd | 14 | Robert Cornelius | 15 | Catherine Coultas |
16 | Alison Symes | 17 | 18 | Matthew Horgan | 19 | Andrew A'Court | 20 |
subj=bw school photo school 77
If you have a picture which you think might be of interest on the web site please drop it in to the Bakery.
whoswho/1977school.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by