
An Ode to Ian

<box right red> Ian driving home one night,
Thought he saw a heavenly light,

Into the verge he pulled his car,
To study this light that shone from afar,

He stood there gazing at those stars,
And thought those buggers are from Mars,

Back in his car he quickly leapt,
And down the road with Jag he swept,

He rushed indoors and said to Norm
“The martians are here” in quite a storm,

Outside he went to see the lights,
But they had disappeared into the night,

Was it Mars, Venus or old Saturn,
No old son twas Nigel's step son's little lanterns,

Take care the things you do at night,
It can give some folk a nasty fright!!!

Anon ?? </box>


The following work of literature was received by Ian following a “Close Encounter”. So that we can give due recognition to the author of this masterpiece would he/she please come forward.


events/an_ode_to_ian.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by