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Cooking the Turkeys in Bakehouse Oven

<box 270px left|Cooking Turkeys Christmas Day 1989 > small:ZqUYV5J9y4w </box> While going through some old videos recently I came across this one taken on Christmas Day 1989 when 80-90 Turkeys and Geese were cooked as they had been on each Christmas Day.
On Christmas morning someone would have to be up at 5am to make sure the oven was hot enough, the turkeys were “Set” in the oven at 9:30 with the largest birds going into the top oven which was the hottest oven. The oven was turned off 10am leaving the birds to gently cook.
We would “Draw” the ovens at 12:45 ready for the turkeys to be collected when the Duke of York shouted time at 1:00
I only recall one instance of someone taking the wrong turkey, luckily when the offending husband arrive home with the wrong bird he was despatched back to the bakehouse, this time bypassing The Duke.

events/cooking_the_turkeys_in_bakehouse_oven.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/01 08:10 by